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wholehearted hairdresser

Welcome to our pioneering Salon Residency System, a unique program designed to fill the educational void between beauty school and the day-to-day role of a community hair stylist.



Sadly, 80% of new stylists leave the beauty industry within two years after graduation. This alarming rate is largely due to preventable issues related to industry standards, including:

- Insufficient support or mentorship.
- Inadequate technical skills in essential, inclusive hair and scalp care and cutting techniques.
- Challenging work environments.
- Low pay and scarce benefits.
- Premature leap into business ownership.
- Misleading influences from social media and beauty school promises.

With over 60% of our industry comprising independent contractors, the search for suitable apprenticeships, mentors, and supportive cultures is tougher than ever. Transitioning into a hairdresser is more than a career change; it's a complete lifestyle shift requiring time, significant effort, and resilience. Until now, there hasn't been a beauty school or apprenticeship program fully equipped to prepare new professionals for the realities of today's consumer demands and business expectations.


We firmly believe that every stylist deserves to learn best practices for serving their community through heartfelt, technically sound, and informative services. We see it as our responsibility to guide our clients on their journey, ensuring salon spaces are psychologically safe and welcoming for everyone.

As Personal Service Providers, we go beyond merely sharing knowledge; we act as allies, encouraging our community to embrace their authenticity and pursue a more rewarding lifestyle.

We stand as Wholehearted Service Providers, committed to excellence in our technical, professional, and personal growth, aiming to empower individuals to strengthen our community.


Our approach includes:

- Providing comprehensive technical training and theoretical knowledge to ensure consistent, customized service experiences for every hair type.
- Adopting an inclusive, community-oriented method for designing service flows and client experiences.
- Utilizing brand-neutral, scientifically based techniques that are simple to replicate and teach.
- Demonstrating genuine, vulnerable, and authentic communication skills to build trust and encourage collaboration.


Introducing The Wholehearted Hairdresser Training System:

A transformative training framework and technical curriculum that enables salons to bridge the gap between beauty school education and consistently delivering high-quality client experiences. Our goal is to integrate this education into beauty schools and ideally, high schools, to foster a foundation of real community service.

In the meantime, we're here to support salons in nurturing the next generation of Wholehearted Hairdressers, helping them grasp the true essence of their profession.

To discover more about how we can enhance your salon's training, retention, and ultimately, your recruitment outcomes, please reach out to

For information on becoming a salon resident at Left Coast Salon, please click here.

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